Infant Package

Whether your little one was an excellent sleeper as a newborn or struggled from the start, as they get a little older their sleeping patterns will change and become more complex. Older infants are developmentally more mature and better able to transition themselves from awake to asleep without depending on you for help. This includes the frequent nighttime wakings that we all experience but never really remember. Like all other life-skills, healthy sleep skills need to be taught. If you're experiencing new difficulties with sleep or are at your wits-end and exhausted, I'm here to help. Armed with a clear and easy-to-follow plan, a private consultation will get your whole family sleeping in no time!

This Package Includes:

Initial Evaluation with comprehensive questionnaire about your child, his/her routines and current sleep habits, and more. (This will be filled out prior to our meeting which will help us to make the most of our time together and ensure that I get all your questions and concerns addressed)

Private 60-minute consultation where we will discuss strategies, troubleshoot problems, learn how to establish a developmentally appropriate routines for nap time and bed time, and discuss any other issues you are dealing with such as:
poor napping
inability to fall asleep in own bed/without being fed or rocked
frequent night waking
transition to own room
…and more!

A fully customized sleep plan that addresses your family’s individual needs and values and includes clear, easy-to-follow steps to ensure your child is learning healthy sleep habits.

Nursery Audit where we will assess the room for light, sound, temperature, room set-up, and crib placement, and discuss recommendations to optimize the sleeping environment. (In-home only)

Two weeks of extensive follow-up support to ensure things are going smoothly

Four follow-up calls where we can discuss how things are going and address any setbacks. This is also where we can make any necessary changes to even further customize the plan to fit your lifestyle.

Daily email support to follow up with any questions you might have during this time.

A Cassandra’s Sleep Consulting Tool Kit which you will receive upon completion of the plan. This guide is packed full of information to help you deal with things like illness, travel, transitioning from crib to bed, and more. Referencing these materials will ensure that you continue to stay successful (and rested!) after our time together is done.

Option for supplemental and ongoing support at additional cost (See Sleep Add Ons)


Do you live in the Philadelphia or surrounding area?
Request an in-home consultation for an additional $100; Add a nursery evaluation for an additional $50
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